Friday 13 August 2010

Make or Do? - Extra Homework!

Fill in the blanks with the corresponding form of either Make or Do.

1) I'm really sorry, but I couldn't _______ the homework last night.
2) Did Lucas _______ many mistakes? He should have studied more.
3) She often ________ the housework at the weekend.
4) When do you __________ your next test?
5) I would like to ______ a course in Spanish as my new project is in Argentina.
6) We have to ________ a decision quite soon.
7) He is __________ some research in chemistry.
8) They ___________ a lot of noise during the birthday party.
9) The children are about to arrive home. I have to start ___________ lunch right now!
10) She ________ a lot of money when she worked in Dubai.
11) I always ______ the shopping on Monday.
12) Could you ______ me a favour?

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