Monday 20 September 2010

Political forms of discussion in the U.S.

Political discussion in the U.S. has become increasingly polarized and aggressive as news media, particularly some cable news networks, publish and broadcast their own opinionated versions of the news. Just last August, Glenn Beck from the conservative Fox News Network called fellow conservatives and Tea Party members to a Washington D.C. rally "Restoring Honor" where such prominent figures as former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin spoke. Fed up with heated discussions and agitating rallies, popular political comedian Jon Stewart, who holds a mock television news show ("The Daily Show"), has now called for an alternative "Rally to Restore Sanity" to be held in Washington D.C. on October 30. Read the blog about this upcoming half-humorous, half serious event "John Stewart to Rally for Sanity: Good Luck with That!" on And take a look at the offical flyer announcing the rally.

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