Thursday 19 January 2012

New "access of influence" emerges in Washington

Piracy of intellectual property on the internet is a serious problem. But a bill that was proposed in Congress to try to stop it didn't sit well with Internet giants such as Wikipeida, Google, Firefox and Facebook. Wielding their influence with millions of viewers, their on-line protests forced legislator after legislator to withdraw support from the bill, threatening its passage, and leaving Washington and Hollywood in awe of this new "access of influence" on the political playing field. Click HERE to watch an interview and read an article in the New York Times about this subject.

Vocabulary and expressions from the interview:
SOPA (name of the bill: Stop Online Piracy Act)
collective flex of muscle
huge constituencies
Hollywood has lots of "juice" in Washington
intimate relationship with user-base
the "take-away" on this

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